I drew a decent peg on the back spit (Peg 25) but couldn't catch on anything, not even paste !
I always thought that once you got the fish blowing in your peg - especially on the back spit, then you would always catch on paste but after suffering a nightmare on wednesday, now I'm not so sure. I don't think it helps now that the spit is now only a couple of foot deep with the water being down about a foot, as at times I had the fish feeding on the bottom and their tails could be seen right next to my float ! Anyway, I have one more thing to try on Sunday on our club match there and if that doesn't work then I really don't know what to try.
The picture shows my total catch for the day - not exactly brilliant for 6 hours fishing is it ?
Most of the anglers chose to fish floaters but with no wind on the back spit, that fished hard, although Brian Green on Peg 26 did have 50lb and won the section. Greenie fishes floaters a lot (or he did do when it was allowed) and I have to say that if he had drawn on the main lake, I think he would have caught a lot more.
The pegs with the wind blowing into them fared the best (as you would expect) with John Radford fishing bread on the surface from Peg 16 to win with 127lb, followed by Scooter Boy (Nick Kenward- Pictured right) with 97lb from Peg 13 and Ross on Peg 12 with 86lb.
I've now caught 3 carp in my last two matches which is more like winter fishing than summer and if it doesn't get better soon, I could well be looking for another hobby !